Bastyr University Admissions' Blog

How to Succeed in Graduate School at Bastyr University

Written by Bastyr | Jul 30, 2024 1:50:06 PM

Enrolling in graduate classes requires sacrifice and careful planning, especially if you’re returning to school after a period in the workforce or taking care of your family. 

This shift in your professional pursuits is significant, requiring pivots in your approach to school, life, and career. Whether you feel well-prepared for this next chapter of your life or need some tips, we have some helpful advice.

How to Prepare for Graduate School

Taking the necessary steps to prepare for graduate school can set you up for success in your search process and graduate program experience. One of the first steps you should take is researching programs that match your long-term goals. This is especially important as you look for a school specializing in holistic healthcare and science, like Bastyr University. The more focused your goals and passions are, the narrower your search becomes as you look for a program that provides exceptional courses, esteemed faculty, and the kind of learning environment you seek. 

As you look for a school that matches your programmatic needs, consider the financial, relational, professional, and time costs. 

Financial: Look for a school you can afford or one with available scholarships and a straightforward loan process. 

Relational: Your relationships will likely change as you pursue a graduate degree. This can mean having less time for social activities, needing to find childcare, and investing time in your graduate school cohort.

Professional: Some graduate programs are flexible enough to complete as you continue your full-time job, and some require you to pause full-time work to pursue your studies. Consider what kind of schedule would work best for you and your career.

Time: Graduate school takes time. While it’s not impossible to complete an advanced degree while still having a social life and your career, there may be growing pains as you learn how to manage your new schedule best. 

Connecting with your support network as you research graduate schools is essential. From getting their advice on choosing a school to helping you communicate your new needs and schedule, staying involved with your support system will allow you to transition well into your graduate school experience.

5 Tips for Graduate Students

Now that you’ve chosen a graduate school, how do you practically succeed in your program? We’ve unpacked some of the best tips below:

Try New Study Methods

You may have been able to carve out hours straight for studying while you were in your undergraduate years, but you might have a different amount of time in your graduate career. Instead, you might find studying for small chunks of time more effective. One popular method is the Pomodoro technique, where you study for short sessions and take short rests every 25 minutes. 

You might also want to switch up how you study and try flashcards, study groups, or have your friends and family help you review.

Keep Your Time Flexible

Since your schedule will likely change significantly during your graduate school experience, keeping your time flexible is the best way to plan ahead. It might be tempting to spread yourself too thin with your commitments and classes, but remember that trying to do too many things means you can’t do any of them truly well. 

Keeping things in perspective is also crucial throughout your journey. Graduate school doesn’t last forever, so it’s essential not to neglect your relationships throughout your graduate degree. Your relationships and career are meaningful. Ensure you’re still investing in your personal life throughout your time in school.

Don't Be Defined By Grades

Acceptance to graduate school is a monumental accomplishment in itself. While keeping your grades up is necessary, try not to sacrifice your mental, physical, and emotional health for your grades. Look for ways to find your sense of self-esteem in something external to your graduate school accomplishments.

Prioritize Your Mental Health

It’s normal and expected to feel some stress about your schedule, workload, internships, and more during graduate school. However, bearing that stress alone doesn’t do you any favors. Even if you feel those in your support system might not fully understand your struggles, do your best to reach out to them and let them be there for you in any way they can. 

Reaching out to those in your program is also effective. You’ll find community in the shared graduate school experience, and you can make friends and study partners through these connections. 

Journaling is another way to prioritize mental health. You can also contact your school’s counseling center.

Invest in Relevant Internships

Many graduate programs require internships or work experience. Even if your specific program doesn’t need one, investing in an internship can boost your resume, give you more connections in your industry, and give you credit toward your degree.

Bastyr University: Helping Students Thrive in Their Graduate Programs and Beyond

Bastyr University’s graduate programs prepare students for impactful careers in naturopathic medicine, nutrition, and more. The degrees train students in their fields of interest and provide relevant experience and internships so every student can prepare for licensure where needed. Bastyr’s accredited programs keep students abreast of the latest research and discoveries in naturopathic medicine, midwifery, and other fields of holistic care. 

Request more information to learn more about our programs. Schedule a meeting with our team to speak directly with an advisor.